Joshua C. House


Joshua C. House

  • Research Fellow

Encina Hall E414
Stanford, CA 94305-6055


Mr. House holds a B.A. (with Honors) in Public Policy from Stanford. He joined the Program on Energy and Sustainable Development in June 2003.


Working Papers
November 2004

IPP Investment in Turkey's Electric Power Industry

cover link IPP Investment in Turkey's Electric Power Industry
Working Papers
August 2004

Polish Electricity Market Investment Context, The

cover link Polish Electricity Market Investment Context, The
Working Papers
April 2004

Experience with Independent Power Projects (IPPs) in Developing Countries: Introduction and Case Study Methods, The

cover link Experience with Independent Power Projects (IPPs) in Developing Countries: Introduction and Case Study Methods, The

In The News


In op-ed, Victor and House advocate independent management of U.S. oil reserve

cover link In op-ed, Victor and House advocate independent management of U.S. oil reserve