PESD People


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Portrait of Dave Brown
  • Faculty Affiliate at PESD
Portrait of Trevor Davis
  • Social Science Research Scholar
Portrait of Meg Edison
  • Operations Manager, Program on Energy and Sustainable Development
Christoph Graf headshot
  • Research Affiliate at PESD
ian hardman headshot
  • Research Affiliate at PESD
mohammad hesamzadeh
  • Faculty Affiliate at PESD
Helen Hill portrait
  • Undergraduate Research Assistant
parholmberg 150x190
  • Faculty Affiliate at PESD
ajha photo
  • Faculty Affiliate at PESD
Emilio La Pera headshot
  • Research Affiliate at PESD
gordon leslie headshot
  • Faculty Affiliate at PESD
eriklundin 150x190
  • Faculty Affiliate at PESD
photo mcrae
  • Faculty Affiliate at PESD
Portrait of Rodrigo Naumann
  • Graduate Research Assistant
federico quaglia headshot
  • Research Affiliate at PESD
blake shaffer headshot
  • Research Affiliate at PESD
IMG 0795
  • Research Affiliate at PESD
Portrait of Kurt Sweat
  • Graduate Research Assistant
thomas tangeras
  • Faculty Affiliate at PESD
Portrait of Mark Thurber
  • Associate Director for Research at PESD
  • Social Science Research Scholar
ryantriolo profilepic
  • Research Affiliate at PESD
Portrait of Tobias Wekhof
  • Visiting Scholar
Frank Wolak portrait 2024
  • Senior Fellow at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies
  • Holbrook Working Professor of Commodity Price Studies in Economics
  • Senior Fellow, by courtesy, at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research
  • Director of the Program on Energy and Sustainable Development
Leonardo Zeni headshot
  • Research Affiliate at PESD