Affiliates: Program On Energy and Sustainable Development

Affiliates: Program On Energy and Sustainable Development

PESD is privileged to work with the following centers, organizations, and institutions, both at Stanford University and worldwide.

| Stanford University | Australia | Brazil | Germany | Mexico | Sweden | United States |

Stanford University

Stanford Law School  
PESD has links to teaching and student research at Stanford Law related to regulatory reform and environmental regulation.

Stanford Energy Modeling Forum (EMF 20)  
The EMF 20 involved modelers at leading academic and consulting organizations, and experts from the Energy Information Administration and the industry in a comprehensive examination of future natural gas prices and volatility, infrastructure requirements, reserve estimates, and roles for LNG, among other factors.



Monash University Melbourne  
Research Focus: Energy and Environmental Economics  
(lead contact: Gordon Leslie)



Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency (ANEEL) | Brasilia  
Research Focus: Electricity Market Design and Regulation  
(lead contact: Fernando Colli Munhoz)



Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) | Mannheim  
Research Focus: Energy and Electricity Market Design and Regulation  
(lead contacts: Michael Hellwig, Dominik Schober)



Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM | Mexico City  
Research Focus: Energy and Environmental Economics  
(lead contact: Shaun D. McRae)



KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm  
Research Focus: Electricity Market Design  
(lead contact: Mohammad Reza Hesamzadeh)

Research Institute of Industrial EconomicsStockholm  
Research Focus: Energy and Electricity Market Design and Regulation  
(lead contacts: Par Holmberg, Erik Lundin, Thomas Tangeras)


United States

Heinz College of Information Systems and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University | Pittsburgh, PA  
Research Focus: Energy and Environmental Economics  
(lead contact: Akshaya Jha)