E-Learning Modules
Our Mission
Provide remote tools to help students and policy professionals build the foundational skills needed to meet the challenges of today's energy landscape
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PESD is developing self-directed, computer-based trainings on how electricity markets work and how regulation can keep pace with the energy transition.
These short (30-60 minutes per course), highly interactive modules aim at teaching a specific set of important, policy-relevant market principles. These tools can provide a common vocabulary and understanding of energy market operation across a diverse group of learners.
Current Modules
Fundamentals of Wholesale Electricity Markets
- Fixed and Variable Cost
- Offer-Based Markets
- Uniform-Price versus Pay-as-Bid Auctions
- Unilateral Market Power
- Genco Incentives with Forward Contracts
Additional modules are in development.
Screencapture from the Fixed and Variable Cost module
Perfect training, very interesting and interactive.
Module user