Fossil Fuels

Falling costs of wind and solar have encouraged development agencies and multilateral lenders to restrict financing for new fossil fuel developments. But African countries face significant obstacles to the grid integration of high shares of intermittent renewable energy. Donors that are genuinely interested in renewable development in Africa should invest in grid operator capability and transmission interconnection while remaining supportive of a range of technologies for dispatchable backup.

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Electricity Journal
Mark C. Thurber
Murefu Barasa
Rose M. Mutiso
Beryl Ajwang
Mark C. Thurber
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PESD Associate Director Mark Thurber co-authored a new paper in The Electricity Journal on the electricity grid improvements that are needed to unlock the full potential of wind and solar energy in Africa. Donors and development agencies need to devote more attention to these missing pieces, rather than assuming that bans on fossil fuel financing alone will spur the desired transition to cleaner energy. 

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Mark C. Thurber
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The Biden administration has pledged to reduce US greenhouse gas emissions to half of 2005 levels by 2030. A large share of these reductions would have to come from the power sector, with high-emitting coal-fired power plants being obvious targets for closure. Program on Energy and Sustainable Development (PESD) Associate Director Mark Thurber spoke on NPR's Here & Now about why phasing out coal-fired generation in the US by 2030 is an achievable goal -- and how we need to take care of affected workers along the way.  Listen to the interview.

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Recent record-breaking heat waves followed by rolling blackouts in California have sparked renewed discussion about the state’s options to address future power outages. Program on Energy and Sustainable Development Director Frank Wolak spoke to Bloomberg about power market reforms as one option where California could open up its electricity to retail competition.  While pricing would better reflect grid supply and demand, it’s unlikely this option would have backing given today’s political climate.   Read more (may require subscription)

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Wolak weighs in on California blackouts

Wolak weighs in on California blackouts
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Today, the Sacramento Bee and San Jose Mercury News both quoted Program on Energy and Sustainable Development Director Frank Wolak in their stories about California’s recent blackouts.  In the Sacramento Bee’s article about the California Independent System Operator declaring a temporary ban on “convergency bidding,” Wolak came out in support of the system comprised of power generators and traders saying that it sends the proper price signals to drive supply. The San Jose Mercury News article said that California electricity shortages will be more common during major heat waves due to the state’s shift away from fossil fuels providing more consistent power to cleaner but more intermittent sources such as solar and wind energy.  “We have a much more risky supply of energy now because the sun doesn’t always shine when we want and the wind doesn’t always blow when we want,” said Wolak. “We need more tools to manage that risk. We need more insurance against the supply shortfalls.”


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solar station

Wolak: Solving California’s Power Crisis

Wolak: Solving California’s Power Crisis
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Given the urgency of climate change, it might seem sensible for aid agencies and multilateral donors to stop funding fossil fuel projects -- any fossil fuel projects -- in developing countries. But Program on Energy and Sustainable Development Associate Director Mark Thurber (writing with Energy for Growth Hub's Todd Moss) explains why shutting the tap on gas in Africa is bad development policy and bad climate policy.  Read more

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The price of a barrel of oil has more than doubled in the past year and a half, from $60 in early 2007 to a high of $142 earlier this summer. This has led to a search for someone to blame for this price increase and for government policies to reduce oil prices.

The actions of energy traders, more pejoratively known as speculators, are being targeted by Ralph Nader, the chief executives of the major domestic airlines and many members of Congress as a major cause of this price increase. However, data from world oil market demonstrates that it is unlikely that speculators have had a noticeable impact on world oil prices.

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San Jose Mercury News
Frank Wolak
Frank Wolak
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Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, global demand for coal has experienced a significant drop - and air quality has improved accordingly. In a virtual seminar moderated by Program on Energy and Sustainable Development (PESD) Director Frank Wolak, PESD Associate Director Mark Thurber offered his assessment on whether the reduced role of coal and other fossil fuels is likely to be permanent, or whether they will emerge stronger than ever when the pandemic is over. Recorded talk

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Unconventional natural gas and the technologies developed to extract it in the U.S. point to a possible lower carbon energy future for China that can be facilitated through international cooperation between them, improving China's reliance on domestically produced coal, and creating economic and environmental benefits for both countries as well as the rest of the world.

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Boao Review
Frank Wolak
Frank Wolak
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