Energy Infrastructure
Mark C. Thurber
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Could emerging markets avoid the environmental damages of fossil fuels by "leapfrogging" directly to cleaner energy technologies as they expand their energy supply? It's an attractive proposition, with some genuine success stories, but not all proposed leapfrogs are realistic. 

In a new policy memo, PESD associate director Mark Thurber offers a framework for assessing which clean energy technologies are the most promising candidates as leapfrogs.

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In a new policy memo from Energy for Growth Hub, PESD associate director Mark Thurber and co-author Murefu Barasa explain why, in an emerging market with lots of wind and solar like Kenya, achieving "excess capacity" means less than it appears.

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Mark C. Thurber
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Frank Wolak and Mark Thurber ran a game-based workshop for staff at the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT) in Austin on October 23-24 to explore ways to keep electricity supply reliable in places like wind-rich Texas that have very high shares of intermittent renewable energy.

One traditional approach to this "resource adequacy" problem, called a capacity mechanism, pays dispatchable generating units like gas-fired power plants to sit around and be ready for low-renewables periods. But teams of PUCT staff playing the role of generating companies found they could push electricity prices to very high levels under the capacity mechanism -- not a desirable outcome for the ratepayers PUCT is charged with protecting! Another mechanism, Standardized Fixed-Price Forward Contracts (SFPFCs), proved in the games to be far more effective at protecting consumer interests while still providing generators with a dependable revenue stream.

Frank Wolak points to a graph on a screen in front of an audience seated around tables Frank Wolak presents to staff at the Public Utility Commission of Texas in Austin, Texas
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Mark C. Thurber
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Regulators in emerging markets must improve energy reliability, grow supply, and add large quantities of wind and solar in an environment characterized by limited financial and institutional resources. And yet proponents of development and reform tend to prescribe regulatory strategies from rich countries that aren’t facing the same challenges, with generally poor outcomes.

In a new policy memo published by Energy for Growth Hub, PESD associate director Mark Thurber explains why "best practices" approaches remain so popular, why they miss the mark, and how situational regulation can improve outcomes.

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Mark C. Thurber
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Late summer heat waves are getting worse due to climate change, and this can put extreme stress on California's electricity grid -- especially when the sun sets and solar energy disappears. Researchers at FSI's Program on Energy and Sustainable Development (PESD) have worked with staff at the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to develop policies to ensure system reliability even as the grid's share of intermittent wind and solar energy increases. PESD's web-based Energy Market Game has allowed the team to prototype these policies in Stanford courses as well as workshops with energy regulators, showing that they can provide significant benefits for power markets with high shares of renewable energy. Article link

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High and growing shares of wind and solar generation can lead to economic retirements of controllable capacity, which creates the need for long-term resource adequacy mechanisms that compensate units needed to maintain system reliability. We use game-based simulation to compare two approaches for ensuring long-term resource adequacy: capacity markets and forward contracting. We also conduct “policy prototyping” of a specific implementation of forward contracting, Standardized Fixed-Price Forward Contracts (SFPFCs). SFPFCs are standardized forward energy products sold through a centralized procurement process in which 100% of expected demand is auctioned off several years ahead of energy delivery. SFPFCs retroactively adjust contract quantities in each covered hour according to that hour’s share of total demand in the compliance period. This encourages generating companies to manage the risk of higher-than-expected demand in any given hour. Our game runs suggest that forward contracting can yield significantly lower cost to load than capacity markets because it removes the incentive for gencos to exercise unilateral market power in the short-term energy market. The SFPFC implementation in our games effectively maintained system reliability and delivered moderate costs to consumers while maintaining financial viability for gencos. It did this even in scenarios with high carbon prices and high renewable shares incentivized by a Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) with tradable Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs).

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Journal Articles
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The Electricity Journal
Mark C. Thurber
Fletcher Passow
Trevor L. Davis
Frank Wolak

High and growing shares of wind and solar generation can lead to economic retirements of controllable capacity, creating the need for long-term resource adequacy mechanisms that compensate units needed to maintain system reliability. We use game-based simulation to compare two approaches for ensuring long-term resource adequacy: capacity markets and forward contracting. We also conduct “policy prototyping” of a specific implementation of forward contracting, Standardized Fixed-Price Forward Contracts (SFPFCs). SFPFCs are standardized contract products sold through a standardized procurement process in which 100% of expected demand is auctioned off several years ahead of energy delivery. SFPFCs retroactively adjust contract quantities in each covered hour according to that hour’s share of total demand in the compliance period, thereby encouraging generating companies to manage the risk of higher-than expected demand in any given hour. Our game runs suggest that forward contracting can yield significantly lower cost to load than capacity markets because it removes the incentive for gencos to exercise unilateral market power in the short-term energy market. In our games, the SFPFC implementation proved effective at safeguarding system reliability and delivering moderate costs to consumers while maintaining financial viability for gencos, even in scenarios with high carbon prices and high renewable shares incentivized by a Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) with tradable Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs). Game-based policy prototyping encouraged us to revise our SFPFC proposal to eliminate one policy element, the “true-up auction,” that proved to be of secondary importance.

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Working Papers
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Program on Energy and Sustainable Development
Mark C. Thurber
Fletcher H. Passow
Trevor L. Davis
Frank Wolak
Mark C. Thurber
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Writing for Energy for Growth Hub, Program on Energy and Sustainable Development Associate Director Mark Thurber and Latimer Energy Managing Director Olu Verheijen explain how open-cycle gas turbines could end up being the most affordable option for lower-income countries -- and the choice most compatible with a high-renewables future.

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Declines in the up-front costs of both wind and solar generation units over the past decide has significantly closed the gap between the levelized cost of energy (LCOE) for these resources and the LCOE of natural gas and coal-fired generation. This outcome has the potential to reduce the cost of increasing the share of intermittent renewable resources in a region significantly. The experience of regions with significant shares of intermittent renewables is used to provide recommendations for short-term wholesale market design, a long-term resource adequacy mechanism and a renewables support mechanism to achieve a substantial intermittent renewable energy share at least cost to electricity consumers. A multi-settlement locational marginal pricing short-term market design, a standardardized fixed-price forward contract approach to long-term resource adequacy and a renewables energy certificates market are the major market design elements proposed to achieve this goal.

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Working Papers
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Program on Energy and Sustainable Development
Frank Wolak
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