
We analyze how market design influences bidding in multiunit procurement auctions where suppliers have asymmetric information about production costs. Our analysis is particularly relevant to wholesale electricity markets, because it accounts for the risk that a supplier is pivotal; market demand is larger than the total production capacity of its competitors. With constant marginal costs, expected welfare improves if the auctioneer restricts offers to be flat. We identify circumstances where the competitiveness of market outcomes improves with increased market transparency. We also find that, for buyers, uniform pricing is preferable to discriminatory pricing when producers' private signals are affiliated.

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RAND Journal of Economics
Pär Holmberg
Par Holmberg
Frank Wolak
Frank Wolak

A spatial equilibrium model of the world coal market is developed that accounts for coal to natural gas switching in the electricity sector in the United States and Europe, the potential for China to exercise monoposony power in its coal purchasing behavior, and the impact of increasing the western US coal export port capacity. The global coal market equilibrium is computed as the solution to a nonlinear complementarity problem. Where possible parameters of the model are estimated econometrically. Where this is not possible the parameters are calibrated to global coal market outcomes in 2011. The model is used to assess how the shale gas boom in the United States impacts global coal market outcomes for dierent models of Chinese coal buyers' purchasing behavior and dierent scenarios for the capacity of coal export terminals on the US west coast.  Although reductions in US and European natural gas prices reduce coal consumption in the US and Europe, the percentage reduction in coal consumption in Europe is much less than that in the US. Increasing US west coast port capacity increases coal exports from the western US and reduces Chinese coal production. US coal prices increase which causes more coal to natural gas switching in the US, further reducing global greenhouse gas emissions. Modeling China as a monopsony buyer of coal reduces the absolute magnitude of these impacts.

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Program on Energy and Sustainable Development
Frank Wolak
Frank Wolak

The variability of solar and wind generation increases transmission network operating costs associated with maintaining system stability. These ancillary services costs are likely to increase as a share of total energy costs in regions with ambitious renewable energy targets. We examine how ecient deployment of intermittent renewable generation capacity across locations depends on the costs of balancing real-time system demand and supply. We then show how locational marginal network taris can be designed to implement the ecient outcome for intermittent renewable generation unit location decisions. We demonstrate the practical applicability of this approach by applying our theory to obtain quantitative results for the California electricity market.

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Program on Energy and Sustainable Development
Thomas Tangeras
Thomas Tangeras
Frank Wolak
Frank Wolak

In April 2015, Singapore introduced an anonymous futures market for wholesale electricity. Using data on prices and other observable characteristics of all competitive retail contracts signed from October 2014 to March 2016, a larger average quantity of open futures contracts that clear during the term of the retail contract a month before the retail contract starts delivery predicts a lower price for the retail contract. This outcome is consistent with increased futures market purchases by independent retailers causing lower retail prices. Consistent with the logic in Wolak (2000) that a larger volume of fixed-price forward contract obligations leads to offer prices closer to the supplier’s marginal cost of production, a larger volume of futures contracts clearing against short-term wholesale prices predicts lower half-hourly wholesale prices. Both empirical results support introducing purely financial players to improve both retail and wholesale market performance. The paper then outlines how a regulator-mandated standardized futures market can be used as a long-term resource adequacy mechanism for the wholesale market regime.

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Oxford Review of Economic Policy
Frank Wolak
Frank Wolak

Hourly plant-level wind and solar generation output and real-time price data for one year from the California ISO control area is used to estimate the vector of means and the contemporaneous covariance matrix of hourly output and revenues across all wind and solar locations in the state. Annual hourly output and annual hourly revenues mean/standard deviation efficient frontiers for wind and solar resource locations are computed from this information. For both efficient frontiers, economically meaningful differences between portfolios on the efficient frontier and the actual wind and solar generation capacity mix are found. The relative difference is significantly larger for aggregate hourly output relative to aggregate hourly revenues, consistent with expected profit-maximizing unilateral entry decisions by renewable resource owners. Most of the hourly output and hourly revenue risk-reducing benefits from the optimal choice of locational generation capacities is captured by a small number of wind resource locations, with the addition of a small number of solar resource locations only slightly increasing the set of feasible portfolio mean and standard deviation combinations. Measures of non-diversifiable wind and solar energy and revenue risk are computed using the actual market portfolio and the risk-adjusted expected hourly output or hourly revenue maximizing portfolios.

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National Bureau of Economic Research
Frank Wolak
Frank Wolak

We show that a common regulatory mandate in electricity markets that employ locational marginal pricing (LMP) requiring all electricity retailers to purchase their wholesale electricity at the same quantity-weighted average of these prices can improve the performance of imperfectly competitive wholesale electricity markets. Linking loca- tional markets strengthens the incentive for vertically integrated firms to participate in the retail market, which increases competition in the short-term wholesale market. Sim- ulations based on a stylized model of an electricity supply industry find economically significant price reductions are likely for actual markets that employ this regulatory mandate. Our results imply that a policy designed to address equity considerations associated with implementing a locational marginal pricing market design can also en- hance wholesale market efficiency.

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Program on Energy and Sustainable Development
Thomas Tangeras
Thomas Tangeras
Frank Wolak
Frank Wolak

This paper proposes a model of the behavior of an expected profit-maximizing merchant storage owner with the ability to exercise unilateral market power. The resulting non-linear bilevel optimization problem is transformed into a single-level stochastic bilinear program using the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions of the lower-level Independent System Operator dispatch problem. By discretizing the offers and bids of the merchant storage owner, the problem is formulated as a stochastic disjunctive program. Using the disjunctive nature of the derived program, a specialized branch-and-bound algorithm that applies a linear quasi-relaxation of the merchant storage problem is proposed. Our solution algorithm is able to solve the problem in an efficient manner; returning the charge and discharge strategies for the merchant storage owner that yield the highest expected profits. Simulations of test systems reveal the various abilities of the merchant storage owner to exercise unilateral market power. Those include demand withholdinggeneration withholding and under-usewhich result in an increased congestion in both space and time when compared to the welfare-maximizing use of storage. Factors such as uncertain bids by other players, final state-of-charge requirements and arbitrage by other storage players are investigated. Moreover, numerical results demonstrate the superior computational performance of the proposed solution algorithm when benchmarked against current practices in the literature.

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Applied Energy
Egill Tómasson
Mohammad Reza Hesamzadeh
Frank Wolak
Frank Wolak

Producers and consumers will make the investments and innovations necessary to transition to a low carbon electricity supply industry only if they are compensated for their efforts. In the absence of explicit government support for these activities, this outcome will occur only if wholesale and retail prices provide this compensation. Efficient wholesale and retail pricing provides compensation for the cost-effective deployment of these innovations. Multi-settlement locational marginal pricing markets set efficient short-term wholesale electricity prices. Marginal cost-based pricing of transmission and distribution networks is increasingly important in regions with solar resources. More efficient wholesale and retail pricing implies significantly greater price volatility, particularly as the share of intermittent renewable generation increases, which requires implementing a number of competition and regulatory safeguards to protect consumers, while still providing the price signals necessary for a least cost transition to a low-carbon electricity supply industry.

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International Association for Energy Economics
Frank Wolak
Frank Wolak

Capacity markets provide guaranteed payments to electricity generation unit own- ers for having the “firm capacity” to produce electricity. Historically, these markets are plagued by the weak incentives they provide for plants to be available during high-demand hours. The reliability payment mechanism in the Colombian electricity market provides market-based incentives for plants to produce during periods of system scarcity. This market has served as a model for the design of capacity markets in a number of jurisdictions in North America and Europe. We demonstrate severe shortcomings of this mechanism. By adjusting their price and quantity offers, genera- tors with the ability to exercise unilateral market power can choose whether or not a scarcity condition exists. We find that this mechanism can make it privately profitable for a firms to withhold output and create a scarcity condition. We illustrate this prob- lem using hourly data from the first ten years of operation of the reliability payment mechanism in Colombia. The mechanism not only fails to minimize the cost of meeting electricity demand but also creates perverse incentives for electricity generators that could reduce the reliability of electricity supply. We quantify the cost of the perverse incentives caused by this capacity payment mechanism by computing a counterfactual dynamic oligopoly equilibrium for the 2015–16 El Niño event in Colombia.

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Program on Energy and Sustainable Development
Shaun McRae
Shaun McRae
Frank Wolak
Frank Wolak

Charging full requirements customers for distribution network services using the traditional cents per kilowatt-hour (KWh) price creates economic incentives for consumers to invest in distributed generation technologies, such as rooftop solar photovoltaics, despite the fact that marginal cost of grid-supplied electricity is lower. This paper first assesses the economic efficiency properties of this approach to transmission and distribution network pricing and whether current approach to distribution network pricing implies that full-requirement customers cross-subsidize distributed solar customers. Using data on quarterly residential distribution network prices and distributed solar installations from California’s three largest investor-owned utilities I find that larger amounts of distributed solar capacity and more geographically concentrated solar capacity predict higher distribution network prices and average distribution network costs. This result continues to hold even after controlling for average distribution network costs for the utility, Using these econometric model estimates, I find that 2/3 of the increase in residential distribution network prices for each of the three utilities between 2003 and 2016 can attributed to the growth distributed solar capacity. The paper then investigates the extent of the legal obligation that distributed solar generation customers have to pay for sunk costs of investments in the transmission and distribution networks. The paper closes with a description of an alternative approach to distribution network pricing that is likely to increase the economic signals for efficient electricity consumption and the incentive for cost effective installation of distributed solar generation capacity.

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National Bureau of Economic Research
Frank Wolak
Frank Wolak
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