Gang He


Gang He

  • Research Associate

616 Serra St.
E420 Encina Hall
Stanford, CA 94305

(650) 725-4249 (voice)
(650) 724-1717 (fax)


Gang He's work focuses on China's energy and climate change policy, carbon capture and sequestration, domestic coal and power sectors and their key role in both the global coal market and in international climate policy framework.  He also studies other issues related to energy economics and modeling, global climate change and the development of lower-carbon energy sources. 

Prior to joining PESD, he was with the World Resources Institute as a Cynthia Helms Fellow.  He has also worked for the Global Roundtable on Climate Change of the Earth Institute at Columbia University. With his experiences both in US and China, he has been actively involved in the US-China collaboration on energy and climate change. 

Mr. He received an M.A. from Columbia University on Climate and Society, B.S. from Peking University on Geography, and he is currently doing a PhD in the Energy and Resources Group at UC Berkeley.


Working Papers
December 2010

Remaking the World's Largest Coal Market: The Quest to Develop Large Coal-Power Bases in China

cover link Remaking the World's Largest Coal Market: The Quest to Develop Large Coal-Power Bases in China
Working Papers
August 2010

The World's Greatest Coal Arbitrage: China's Coal Import Behavior and Implications for the Global Coal Market

cover link The World's Greatest Coal Arbitrage: China's Coal Import Behavior and Implications for the Global Coal Market
Working Papers
March 2010

Making Carbon Offsets Work in the Developing World: Lessons from the Chinese Wind Controversy

cover link Making Carbon Offsets Work in the Developing World: Lessons from the Chinese Wind Controversy