Climate and Energy in Africa: What We're Getting Wrong
Climate and Energy in Africa: What We're Getting Wrong
Monday, May 1, 202310:00 AM - 11:00 AM (Pacific)
Goldman Conference Room
Encina Hall East, 4th Floor
Stanford University
This is an in-person event and will not live-streamed

Via the SDGs and COP, the world is committed to tackling the big global crises of poverty and climate change. But the policies for fostering net zero emissions, universal access to energy, and full employment are confused when it comes to Africa, a region that will soon be home to one in four people. Todd Moss will lay out the shortcomings to the dominant approaches and outline more effective ways to support both a greener planet and prosperity for everyone.
Todd Moss is Executive Director of the Energy for Growth Hub, a think tank in Washington DC. He is also a nonresident fellow at Rice University's Baker Institute, the Payne Institute at the Colorado School of Mines, the Institute for Progress, and the Center for Global Development. He previously served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Africa (under Condoleezza Rice) and has worked at the World Bank, Georgetown, and the London School of Economics.