PESD and CPUC form Impact Lab to support renewable energy integration
PESD and CPUC form Impact Lab to support renewable energy integration

The Program on Energy and Sustainable Development (PESD) and the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) are partnering on an Impact Lab to design and implement next-generation policies and regulations that support California's ambitious renewable energy goals. “Public support for aggressive climate action in California could decline if there are adverse grid reliability and cost implications from pursuing these goals,” said Frank Wolak, professor of economics and director of PESD. Wolak and the PESD team are working with the CPUC to develop: 1) policies to ensure resource adequacy with a very high share of intermittent renewable energy, 2) distribution pricing to support cost-effective and equitable renewable energy deployment, and 3) transmission planning frameworks that are robust to high wind and solar shares as well as future climate impacts. Read more (fifth white box near the bottom)