Electricity Market Principles: A Workshop for Policymakers Using Game-Based Simulations at the the Asia Clean Energy Forum 2024
Electricity Market Principles: A Workshop for Policymakers Using Game-Based Simulations at the the Asia Clean Energy Forum 2024
As part of the Asia Clean Energy Forum 2024, PESD Associate Director Mark Thurber conducted a workshop hosted by the Asian Development Bank and Asian Development Bank Institute in Manila, Philippines on June 7. The workshop, attended by energy practitioners from across Asia, incorporated PESD's Energy Market Game and e-Learning modules.
Participants acquired hands-on understanding of important electricity market concepts, including: 1) why wholesale electricity markets are generally cleared via uniform-price rather than pay-as-bid auctions, 2) the operation of transmission constraints, 3) how wind and solar affect electricity market outcomes, 4) when suppliers have incentives to exercise unilateral market power, and 5) how fixed-price forward contracts can align supplier behavior with the policymaker’s goal of least-cost electricity supply, including when there are transmission constraints and high shares of wind and solar.