Erik Woodhouse


Erik Woodhouse, JD

  • Postdoctoral Scholar

Encina Hall East, E415
Stanford, CA 94305-6055

(650) 922-2030 (mobile)
(650) 724-1717 (fax)


Erik Woodhouse is a post-Doctoral scholar with the Program on Energy and Sustainable Development. His current research focuses on energy infrastructure investment in developing countries. Other recent research includes work in comparative corporate governance and law and international relations.

Mr. Woodhouse holds a J.D. from Stanford University and a B.A. from Emory University in International Studies and Philosophy.


Journal Articles
December 2006

The Obsolescing Bargain Redux: Foreign Investment in the Electric Power Sector in Developing Countries

The Obsolescing Bargain Redux: Foreign Investment in the Electric Power Sector in Developing Countries
Working Papers
October 2006

IPP Study Case Selection and Project Outcomes: An Additional Note

IPP Study Case Selection and Project Outcomes: An Additional Note
Working Papers
October 2005

IPP Experience in the Brazilian Electricity Market, The

IPP Experience in the Brazilian Electricity Market, The