2010 Regional Council of Rural Counties Meeting (RCRC)

2010 Regional Council of Rural Counties Meeting (RCRC)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010
9:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Marriott Napa Valley Hotel

PESD Director Frank Wolak will be leading the "Petroleum's Future" talk along with Michael Roman from the Public and Government Affairs, ExxonMobil Corporation.  This 3-day event features individuals across academia and the public and private sector.


Talk abstract:

Petroleum's Future
Despite volatile price swings, the political instability in major oil-producing regions and the recent devastating spill in the Gulf of Mexico, petroleum remains the primary source of California's energy needs. Removing our society's dependence on petroleum remains a difficult proposition involving alternatives, pricing and cost, and stability during any attempt to phase-out its use. More importantly, how will the role of petroleum affect rural counties - those living and working in rural areas as well as rural county governments making day-to-day decisions involving the use of petroleum-based products?

Finally, where does petroleum in California fit into a "post-AB 32 world"? This session will discuss all of these issues and more as two renowned experts in the field of energy share their views.


Click here to view Frank's presentation.